Channel: Bored Panda Art
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: anaplastologysiliconediancecht prostheticsprostheticbored panda artdiancehtprotesis diancehtprosthesisrealistic prostheticsrealaesthetic prosthesissilicone prosthetic
Description: Can you guess which finger isn't real? You probably can't, as these silicone prosthetics are ultra-realistic. For people who lost their limbs genetically or by accident 'Dianceht' offers a wide range of silicone prosthetics. All of the customs made parts are painted by hand and the fingers have matching fingerprints. When people are able to retrieve their lost limbs they can enjoy a fulfilling life once again. For more info, visit: Bored Panda Art brings you the most viral unique art videos! On our YouTube channel, you will find a variety of beautiful and original art. Everything from amazing drawings and creative paintings to unbelievable 3D and glass art. Subscribe to our channel to see these videos first! Watch Unbelievable 3D Art: Subscribe to Bored Panda Art channel: Like us on Facebook: Visit Bored Panda website: